Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Falling Without a Parachute...The Erosion of our Security

Deepak Chopra says, "The search for security is actually an attachment to certainty, to the known, and the known is the prison of our past conditioning."

Let’s think about all that's going on in the economy and the fact that the American citizen has lost almost 50% of their net worth. Are we focusing, as you might imagine, on all the financial security that has been eroded and the financial assets that have disappeared, or can we see that what's going on in the economy could be, at most, a blessing indicating that there are opportunities to change spending habits, contribute more to others and become more innovative.

In discussions with friends, those I work with and others within my sphere of influence, the focus seems to be on losses and the dramatic state of the nation. This has caused me to view this environment of loss and concern differently, to begin approaching the events of the day with a new mindset. It's actually creating energy for me, as I think about all the possibilities that will allow me to become more, be able to work with others, and to be able to accomplish things using a different approach.

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